Choose To Thrive: Women's Health

When sex hurts! And the keys to healing.

Michelle Leonie Murphy Season 1 Episode 6

I'm so excited about this episode with the beautiful Emily who is passionate about sharing her story to help raise awareness and support women going through similar experiences. So inspiring! Embarking on a new intimate relationship, Emily came to the realisation that something was 'wrong' when sex was not how she had imagined it should be. Eventually building the courage to seek professional medical advice she was (eventually) diagnosed with vaginismus and dyspareunia. This was after the first GP advised her there was no cure and she would probably not be able to have children....... high five doc.

Vaginismus is defined as muscle tension/spasm in the pelvic floor muscles preventing penetration during sexual intercourse or pap smears or even using a tampon. Dyspareunia is painful sex and may be the result of vaginismus.

I wonder whether perhaps all women have experienced less than blissful sex at least occasionally in their lives. Certainly I've met countless women who tolerate it or do it to keep their partners happy rather than as something wonderful for themselves in partnership. At worst it can make women feel broken and damaged and 'less than' which is heartbreaking because the truth couldn't be farther from this.

Regardless of your history and experience with sex, I truly believe everyone will learn something from Emily's story, particularly if you look between the lines at what this says about issues relating to our expectations and misinformation relating to sex, the impact of pornography, consent - both explicit and implied and personal boundaries.

If you haven't guessed, I'm pretty passionate about this topic! I hope you enjoy the podcast. Apologies in advance for my very loud stomach rumbling about midway through the podcast. As I said to Em, our discussion was really hitting me at a gut level!

Thanks for listening. Questions, feedback or suggestions always welcome at