Choose To Thrive: Women's Health

Indulging my food fetish... and dispelling nutrition myths!

Michelle Leonie Murphy Season 1 Episode 7

This episode is all about food, a topic I find endlessly fascinating so bear with me and my endless questions :) I am joined by Dr Marita Wallace (who was heavily pregnant at the time of interview) who is a skeletal muscle biology/physiology researcher and the founder and director of CellMet Performance Health. Her research has focused on understanding the role of nutrition and exercise in improving health and performance. Marita has personally experienced the many positive health effects of adapting to a low carbohydrate/ ketogenic diet and this has motivated her to investigate how this diet may improve health and performance as well as its potential therapeutic use for a range of chronic conditions.

We cover topics such as the low fat fad I was raised on (how did we go so wrong there?), food intolerances, how market forces influence how we eat and what to focus on when it comes to diet and exercise. 

On a personal note, I feel a sense of profound grief when I contemplate the role that food inadvertently plays in fuelling self abuse with respect to self-esteem and body image, particularly for women and girls but increasingly for men and boys too. Let's do better people by not buying into the myth of perfection and teaching our children through positive modelling i.e. look at yourself with love and appreciation in the mirror (especially whilst naked!!! woo!)