Choose To Thrive: Women's Health

What is an empowered woman?

Michelle Leonie Murphy Season 1 Episode 9

This episode covers a topic I am passionate about which is the importance of having a mindfulness practice in your life and how it can help us live a more empowered life. I have found a simple daily 10 minute meditation practice has literally changed my life. It is now something I enjoy, crave even, and I feel the difference in my day and life in general if I miss a day through extenuating circumstances. If you stop and think about's pretty phenomenal! That's only TEN MINUTES of my day. Even I, a busy working mum of two can manage that and to say it's changed my life, lets just say I'm not exaggerating and have no hidden agenda there. 

The ability to become aware of our own thoughts and how our thoughts and emotions are manifesting physically, and then how these physical manifestations (ie. tension and tightness) then further wind up our emotional state is SO powerful! Because becoming aware is the first step in having the ability to make a decision about how we respond, the ability to make changes to habitual responses and lifelong conditioning that are not serving us. We can learn to use our breath and our body to self calm and self regulate to prevent the spiralling into anxiety and stress that occurs when we fail to be aware of the signs our body is sending us. Anyway, it's pretty important people! 

This episode also serves as an introduction to a series of audio recordings I plan on publishing to the podcast such as body scan meditations that include (rather than avoid completely as most do) the very important and relevant pelvic region. 

Have a wonderful day x